Announcing Baby. Weeks 12 and 16. Baby Bumps.

I am tired, scratch that. I’m exhausted. I feel super bloated. I still have morning sickness. I haven’t gotten my nails “did” in way too long. I am hormonal and hungry every ten minutes. BUT, we are blessed to announce that I am pregnant with baby numero two. My husband and I have been praying for our little bun in the oven for a while and so no matter how rough it gets I am grateful because our family is growing. It’s really interesting how much more precious life becomes as you age. Honestly, when I was younger I really didn’t think I was going to want to have any children due to the fact that I had so many younger siblings and I never really took interest in playing the motherly role. It wasn’t until I hit my late twenties where I started to get the fever. Baby fever that is. After being married a couple of years we both decided that children would help complete our happy family of four (us plus two doggies). We were ecstatic when we finally got pregnant with our son and now, a playmate for him…what could be better? Children, especially your own children make everything, the simplest things, like going to the beach or a museum brand new again. Every holiday, every birthday celebration is that much sweeter when there is a little tike by your side watching and learning. I guess no matter how long this morning sickness lasts I take the feeling with gratitude. I am grateful and honored to carry another child.

However, nurturing and entertaining a two-year old while four months pregnant has taken a toll on my energy level and body so I wasn’t about to take monthly photos of my pregnancy journey again. That was until my sister, my mother’s second child, said, “Hey you have to do everything you did for your first child for the second too!” So, baby G, in honor of your second auntie, I am going to be a very equal parent. These photos were taken by my extremely caring and patient husband. Thank you schmookie for always running to the store for ice cream (the vanilla and strawberry swirl in a cup), always taking our little stinker to the potty, and carrying all of my props to my photo sessions. I think someone is going to deserve a very nice father’s day gift. Here I am at three months and now four. My bump may still look really small, but the way I look here at four months is how I looked at six with my first. Eeek, how big will I get? Stayed tuned.

Oh and don’t worry I am planning on working the camera way into my third trimester!:)

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