There comes a point in a college student’s life when all of the care-free days suddenly come to a screeching halt. Graduating seniors realize that those late night coffee runs will become a distant memory. Applications, resumes, and interviews are creeping upon each student as they cram for their last finals. Life is next on the agenda. Danielle, a Cal State Dominguez Hills senior, is going through the same questions and hurdles seniors dread. What are you going to do once you graduate? Where will you work? Well, Danielle knows exactly what she want to do, TEACH! The great thing about Danielle is that, no matter how tough it gets, she keeps pushing on. Danielle is a natural sun-shiny kinda gal. She’s always smiling away and giggling at anything and everything (even her boyfriend’s cheese-ball jokes). Danielle has studied her tush off to become a junior high science teacher. She has a passion for teaching and loves coming up with crafty lessons to get students to not only understand science, but learn to enjoy it. Like with all professions, Danielle is now playing the waiting game until she hears back from the local school districts.
Good luck Danielle, I’m sure you are going to rock the classroom, just like your shoot!
See you have to have a sense of humor to work with jr. high kids.
Hopefully she has a tough side, because she’s gonna need it to handle those pubescent trouble makers.
Danielle, like myself, also loves Etsy. She ordered this planet bracelet. Way cool!
Done! Done! Done!
She has the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen! Pretty.
your senior session are so cute!! we have one as dominguez too next week 🙂
Thanks girly! They are so fun:)
Evie thank you SO much! As always you took awesome pics that I love! You are so sweet and I am truely grateful to have you in my life <3 hopefully we will spend lots more important moments together as familia and I can have many more important moments captured by the creative EvaMarie and her lens 😉 can't thank you enough!!!