Family: Team Esparza

Meet the team, Paul, Vanessa, Nathan and Mason. I’m not going to lie I was a little nervous upon meeting Team Esparza. I received a short but sweet email from Vanessa asking me to take some photos of her family. That didn’t scare me. What threw me for a loop was that she wanted to take these pictures a.s.a.p, like almost yesterday fast. She actually gave me less than a week’s notice, but how could I resist making room on my calendar for a family shoot. I love family photo sessions. The innocence of the kiddies and the love that pours out from their parents is priceless. Team Esparza did not dissapoint. Their four year old, Nathan instantly melted my heart. He is one of those boys that I always want to ask their parents, how do you do it? How is your boy so well behaved and respectful? If they answer, I am waiting with pen and paper in hand ready to jot down all notes. See, when you are like me, a former first grade teacher, you’ve seen the run of the mill. So I tend to really appreciate those little boys that I would like my son to be like. Oh ya, Nathan is also incredibly  adorable! Their second son, Mason, almost made me want to run home that instant to hug my bebe. He is a little more than a week older than my son. Mason was also just perfect. Sheesh I really should have taken some notes from Vanessa and Paul. Their little guy smiled, laughed, sat patiently and only fussed when he got thirsty. What a champ! Vanessa and Paul,  I loved hanging out with you two and your little men as well. Thanks for being such a sweet and cooperative bunch!


NathanTeam Esparza
Stripes, my fave!
Kiss Kiss time:)

I think they are both mama’s boys:)
Mason’s expression was too darn cute!
I always try to get the girly shoe shot, but I had to get a rugged tennis shoe wearing boy shot!

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