Meet the Darling family, aren’t they just darling?! Ha, I just had to! Nina had very much wanted to finally get her family in front of the camera for their first professional photo session as a complete family of five. Why complete? Well, she said that was it, that her and her husband had their sweet daughter Brielle and they knew their family was perfect! Two princes and a princess sounds pretty good to me! I had an immediate connection as soon as we met. Their son’s name is Emmett and all their children are around two years apart. “Hey, ” I mentioned to Nina, “just like me and my children.” Like any mothers would do, we discussed the trial and tribulations of having three, making adult time, and basically keeping it all together. I had mentioned to her that I feel like everyday I hear someone saying, “Oh three? The third one always makes things crazy.” Nina reassured me that the dynamics of the family do shift, but it’s manageable and the more the merrier! By the looks of how her and J.R. handled their first photo session as a family of five, I totally believe her! Congratulations Nina and J.R. on your beautiful family. Side note, Nina didn’t want to find out the gender of her last babe (you know because of the odds) and what a surprise to have Brielle Darling pop on out to greet them!

What a beautiful family!! Gloria and Mike – take care of those gorgeous children you were blessed with! Can you say – commercials!?! Please enter Matthew in a commercial, he is just the cutest toddler with the best looking smile. I see him in OshKosh B’gosh or Baby GAP ads! 🙂 and Emilee is not staying behind…can she say BabiesR’Us?? Oh yeah!
Love you guys, thanks for sharing!!
Thank you! Yes, Gloria and Mike and their little ones are a super beautiful family!