They met at one of the least expected places- a gas station. He caught her eye and she caught his. She had never done this before (flirting while pumping gas) but she couldn’t resist his perfect smile and the fact that they were both coincidentally wearing workout clothes. Carolina thought it was silly and felt so giddy while talking to him, but she had this instant attraction for him. David pumped gas long enough for him to muster up the courage to ask for her number. They both were a bit embarrassed and excused themselves for being so romantically forward at a common pit stop. Still, they exchanged numbers. At that moment, they knew it was more then just their physical attraction that kept them intrigued. True love does exist and it’s more in the personal connection that sends explosions into our bodies, like fireworks on the forth of July. Just plain magic….”Call it Magic” (Sorry, I just broke out and sang)! As a Chiropractor, Carolina has a very busy work schedule, so one weekend David swept her away for a much needed relaxing mini-vacation. They had a massage at Glen Ivy, dinner at the W, and finally relaxed on the balcony of their hotel where he proposed like a boss. He got down on one knee and opened up the famous cube-shaped box. She was enchanted by his thoughtfulness and of course agreed. I love it when clients I’ve known from the past ask me to photograph these amazing moments in their lives because it’s like time is non-existent. We pick right up from where we left off(for Carolina it was in sigh school) and become re-kindled friendships. Carolina is a sweet as a sugar-coated Christmas cookie. She is one of the most giving people I know and I’m sure David loves that about her. David is shy but has a calm quality to him that just makes you feel at ease and secure when you are around him. He is Carolina’s knight in shinning armor and it shows by the way he glances at her with nothing but love in his eyes and touches her so tenderly. They are a match for sure, and did I mention they have a darling daughter. I’m looking forward to documenting their glances and much more this coming September. Can’t wait!
Florals by: Laura Barraza