This is session number three ya’ll. I hope you all aren’t bored to death with my children yet. It is really important for me to document this new little being in our lives as well as keep up my photography skills-can’t get rusty now! Sibling relationships are fascinating to me. I think back on all of the laughable moments, cat fights and intense conversations I’ve had with my four sisters and I couldn’t have been more grateful to have them in my life. Of Course, every one of us has gotten on the other’s nerves or borrowed a new (tag still on) top from the other’s closet with out asking first. So what happens after this? You pull hair, call each other some creative names, rehash some old boyfriend dirt from the past and repeat. Oh the joys of having sisters. But really though, I love them and wouldn’t trade my sisters for the world. Now, getting back to why I decided this as my third session. It was to watch and learn how a brother and sister relationship actually develops. I’ve always, I mean ALWAYS wanted a big brother. For one, I’m the eldest so just an older anything would have been cool, and second I always longed for a brother to put their arm over my shoulder when I fell down and cut my knee. Now, it’s only fitting to start this post with… well of course the big brother placing his arm around his little sister.
You know I’m going to have to caption most of these, right?
This has got to be one of my top favorites. Baby girl is like, “Please don’t squish my one week old body.” While he is like, “You are my sister and I’m going to protect ya, ya hear!”
What in the world are they thinking about? Or are they singing a little medley?
This one is my favorite. He is a proud big brother and she is a content little sister.
“Kiss me you fool!”
“If you say so!”
Tongue out, arms up, don’t care…
“P. U. brother, your pits stank!”
“Hey you think a sponge bath left you so clean? I think not!”
“Word to our mother!” Okay tell me they don’t look like they are posing for a child’s rap cover album. HA!
“Really this is all you do? I thought we were going to play some basketball and tennis when you got out?”
“Wayne’s world…party time!”
“Okay mother, we’ve had enough of this paparazzi business!”
Just wanted to say Beautiful pictures and Congrats on your little one.
Thank you very much! It is all a blessing.