God has blessed us with many gifts. One of these gifts is our healthy son. We are extremely fortunate to be able to have another child. We know each phase in our lives and this pregnancy is a miracle. So here we are, in Palm Springs, for my husband’s conference and a little mini vacation. I’m a very need to know girl. I need to know facts, details and of course the sex of our baby. The days leading up to finding out the results I was still contemplating whether or not to “know”, or just to have Eddie find out and surprise me with my photo session idea. I couldn’t do it. Yes, I’m a big wimp. Most of you probably aren’t even reading my blabbering and went straight to the pictures but I thought well I gotta have a little intro. So, is it a boy or girl? Here are the results friends and family. I know I’ve kept you waiting for a few days, but believe me it’s been hard to keep my mouth shut too! Eddie and I are ecstatic and still a little in shock to let you know it’s a….
(photo credits to: my sister Genevieve)
See my face. I’m still nervous. I thought I would be an expert at raising a girl because of all my sisters, but I think this is going to be a whole new ball game.
A litte closer with photos in front of a fuchsia wall.
I think he would have been happy with either pink or blue confetti!
He’s going to have a little sister.