Maybe it’s the cold weather or all of the hopes for the new year, but there’s just something about the holidays that brings family and friends closer together. Well, whatever it is, this year I am very blessed to have many new friends in my life, especially Nea, from Laced Blissed and Love Photography. We met a little over a half a year ago and now we aren’t just colleagues, but friends that text, talk, and hang out when we can (or when we have time…she has triplets) to share our happy, funny and silly stories and cheese. Nea, I feel blessed to have you in my life as a friend and someone I can count on at midnight to share a my concern or ask a question about anything from motherhood to photography.
I was honored when Nea asked me to photograph her family, not just her adorable triplets and husband, but the whole entire Mueller fam bam. I thought wow, I hope I do their gorgeous family justice. Everyone was so fun, stylish, and beautiful. Mueller family (Mr. and Mrs. Mueller, Leinea, Moriah, Elisha, and your seven grandchildren), thank you for allowing me to see a glimpse into your family’s life. I hope you love the photos…because I sure do! Merry Christmas and I hope you have a fabulous new year!
Mr. and Mrs. Mueller seriously look like they could be siblings to their children, or at least a young aunt and uncle.
Right here you two look like movie stars.
I thought Jayden was her daughter, not granddaughter. Then I was nicely corrected and we all had a good laugh.
Moriah just had this sweet little pea a couple of months ago and look at her in that dress…umm not fair. Moriah, you rock on with your bad self!
She continues to put all the new mommies to shame. I’m not hating, I just want to know her secret….hehehe
The triplets….ahh I love them. Can they get any cuter in their little swaged out velvet suits?
Nea, hello hottness!
And now the Mueller son…this family has amazing genes. FOREAL!
So sweet.
Another fierce couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Mueller, you have a beautiful family.
I was a little nervous that we couldn’t get the triplets to envision me as an elf…or maybe they did, but a scary elf. Ha!
[…] Again, I had the honor to photograph Nea, from Laced Bliss and Love, and her family. They are my kinda people; funny, sweet, and they know how to work the camera. Check out all the handsome fellas they got going on in the Mueller family. And I thought I got a work out chasing after my son… wonder all these ladies look fabulous. Seriously, who needs a workout when you have boys to chase after. Hee he! Then you have the only granddaughter and she’s just a beauty. She was so cute especially when she kept on whispering to me to take different types of photos of her. Can I keep her? By the way please notice all the fabulous flower headpieces the gals are rocking’. The flowers were designed and created by the fabulous Laura, from Instyle Blooms. Umm, hello is it still summer? The way the sun was setting that evening gave off the most delicious warm glow. […]