Lam Family. Hyunh’s 75th Birthday. Orange County Family Photographer.
Does anyone, besides me, love that semi-recent Kaiser commercial where there are a bunch of elderly ladies having a blast just living life? The song to the commercial goes something like this…”when I grow up I want to be a very old woman…la la la.” Darn it! Trying to sing in person and… I guess on the blog is still no bueno. Well, I love this song because getting older is a wonderful thing. So instead of dreading growing old, I am embracing it because I want to see my son grow up and have a family of his own. Now that I’ve shared my feelings, let me tell you why. According to the Chinese calendar, Hyunh is celebrating her 75th birthday. Hyunh is not only honored with age, but with an amazing life. I want to get every detail in Hyunh’s life right, so I’m going to cheat a little, and use the story that was emailed to me. Dawn, Hyunh’s daughter-in-law, wrote:
My mother-in-law lives with us and watches our daughters when we are at work. She is a completely self-less, loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She met Paul’s father in Vietnam (she and her mother and sister had escaped the Japanense invasion in China and moved to Vietnam) and then fled Vietnam because the war and Communism…Paul’s oldest brother had already come to America with a sponsor. The rest of the family was on a huge boat going no where in particular except away from Vietman. Paul’s mom always reminds him that they were scrunched on the boat and she held Paul (2 months at the time) on her lap…he pooped and peed on her lap the whole trip…no bathrooms. His uncle died on the boat and they threw him overboard. Thankfully, they were rescued by a German boat and left to be refugees in Indonesia.
When Paul was two, they reconnected with his older brother somehow and he sponsored them and that’s how they ended up in Santa Ana. Their journey is so incredible! Paul’s dad died at the refugee camp, so his mom brought ALL the kids here with her mother. She’s the strongest woman I know and her favorite thing to do is spend time with family…this day will be very special!
Amazing story, right? Lam family, I think you are so incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. You were all so much fun! Hyunh, Happy Birthday! I wish you many more years with your loving family! Here’s some more of the Lam family.
All the ladies:)
This is what 12 children and their children look like. The bigger the better, and I love it!Hyunh’s twelve children. I’m sure every night was like a slumber party. Each one of Hyunh’s children with their families.I love “mommy and me” photos! Grandchildren and one great-grandchild.See how much fun we had! I want to frame this one myself…heheehe. Hyunh is a lovely woman. The hands that tell her story.Saved the best for last. My Favorite!