I almost came to tears when I was asked to photograph a two-part mini-family reunion with a focus on the grandparents, which are also great-grandparents. Why, tears? I couldn’t help but think of my own Nana and Papa while preparing and photographing this beautiful family. I guess I’m so fond of the elderly because my maternal grandparents made me feel like I was a princess in a castle. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony’s family wanted me to capture un-posed, very natural shots with their grandparents and all of their offspring, especially the great-grand children. They want to remember Pat and Tom (Mrs. & Mrs. Anthony) in love with each other and the family they have created. Their family will cherish this moment in their hearts, but they will also be able to share the love that they felt this weekend. When these these little babies are all grown up, they may not remember this day, but they will still have the chance to look back at these photos and see how much they were loved by their great grandparents.
The Anthony’s are in their eighties and live in Utah, so it is rare that they get a chance to come and visit their children and their families in California. However, Pat is a strong woman who has pulled through a quadruple bypass surgery and has fought kidney cancer so she could see all of her children get married and have children of their own. I felt so very honored when their granddaughter, Dawn, contacted me to help capture every hug, laugh and kiss through my lens. There is just something about grandparents that gets me all warm and fuzzy inside. I don’t know if it’s their soft cool skin, their thin-lipped kisses, or the mellow tone in their voice that softly whispers “I love you.” To have several generations present in your life, no matter what age you are, is priceless.
To the Anthony’s and your beautiful children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren: Thank you for welcoming me into your home and entrusting me with taking a glimpse into the tender embraces and silly snuggles that filled that weekend. Here’s a slideshow with pics from both days.
Part I of the Anthony Family:
On this first day of the family photo shoot, I photographed Dawn’s family which included her husband and two adorable little girls Brooklyn and Addison. Dawn’s mother, brother and sister-in-law along with their eleven day old baby girl, Zoe are featured below.
These precious moments don’t even need captions.
Hands tell age, in a good way. Each phase in a person’s life is represented by their hands, and I like to try and tell that story with photos like these.
Oh Addie, you are worth a million and one kisses!
She’s hamming it up with Uncle Paul.
Sweet Pat and her daughter Lori.
Baby Zoe, can you get any cuter? I think not.
Dawn you are so very lucky to have your grandmother and to have your children meet their great-grandmother that obviously adores you all!
We snuck in a few posed family portraits.
Baby reminds me of a ‘lil girl Pop-Eye right here.
Umm, you guys could totally be on the cover of Parenting magazine for sure!
Honestly, I wish I could have this very image of myself and my grandparents or my son and his great-grand parents. Hands down, this is my favorite photo from this session.
Part II of the Anthony Family:
On Sunday the Anthony family celebrated the engagement of Dawn’s cousin Robert to his fiancé Delyn by throwing her a bridal shower. They were joined by all of Pat and Tom’s children, Lori, Cindy and Tom (son) along with their families.
Mother and daughters sandwich.
This little guy was a character.
How awesome is his smile?
These cousins sure know how to make some waves!
The family really did want group portraits the second day.
These two love birds were celebrating their engagement by having a bridal shower for this pretty lady.
I think little Brooklyn warmed up to me today, or maybe to my camera. Either way she stole the show!
Seriously? Look at the dimple!