Oh the places she’ll go… Proud is an understatement whenever I speak of my sisters’ accomplishments, and I couldn’t be more ecstatic for this chick-a-dee!
Usually, people that have a goal set strive to accomplish it for a purpose. There is a specific reason and/or motivation behind accomplishing the objective in mind. No matter if it’s something as simple as a losing weight, getting an “A” on a test for a parent, or even acquiring a job to impress a significant other, we all do things if not for our self, but for someone that has or has had a powerful impact in our life. Genevieve, or as our family likes to call her, Gens, gained her own motivation from our late Nana. A couple of years ago, our family had a great loss not only in our lives, but our hearts. With any struggle in life, most people will take a fall and gather themselves up by the boot-straps to get back on the road. Gens never really fell, but a little bit of her soul did. So, she decided to turn the pain that she endured from our Nana’s absence into a positive motivation to continue to pursue her education with the fight of a champion. And she did! Genevieve is now a proud graduate from the University of California, Los Angeles. She plans to continue her educational path and pursue law school. There she plans to fight for the rights of the elderly, in memory of her beloved Nana, Emma R. Ruiz.
Baby sister I think the world of you and your accomplishments and I am so honored to celebrate every moment by your side. As tears are slowly rolling down my cheek, I know you will continue to make our family proud and continue to make Nana smile from above. We Love you Gens!
The she is with her beau.
This is my fave for sure!
Our entire family put a lot of thought and effort into all the simple things that adorned Gens on graduation day.
The three eldest sisters. Thanks for taking this photo husband!
I think he adores her. Oh love.
It was a very bright day.
Some of the sweet treats from her Fiesta-themed grad party.
Photo booth time, all Mexicaned-up!
The most delicious cake ever by Fancy Nancy Cakes.
I love this post so much! Soooo sweet! Thank you for documenting my big day, big sister!! <3