January Photo a Day

I’m not sure if you’ve been playing along on instagram, but I have. Someone somewhere came up with a photo a day challenge for all instagram users or shall I say lovers. I too am addicted to instagram, have been for a while. So when I saw someone post this I was a little giddy if I do say so myself. This is a great way for me to challenge my iphone photo-taking skills and make sure that I’m always practicing with my big girl camera. Because practice makes perfect, right? Right! Here are a few of my shots. If you want to play just make sure to tag your photos #janphotoaday or follow me @ evamariephoto.


Day 4: Letter box. I’m sure every crafty girl has Martha visiting her once a month.

Day 8: Your sky. This it what it looks like on our daily walks.

Day 7: Favorite. I love little pretty girly things. Glittery necklace, nail polish and my new fave pretty tape.

Day 13: In your bag.

Wallet/clutch: Love, love, love. Purchased this for a steal at Nordstrom in the BP section of course.

Hello Kitty make up bag:. Yes, I am an O.G. Kitty fan. Plus this little bag holds every thing in its perfectly separated compartments.

Lotion: I refuse to have ashy hands!

Pacifier: Yes, just in case my bundle of joy decides to be funny and hide his.

Double sided DKNY Perfume roller: Smells sweet and won’t leak. Awesomeness!

Antibacterial: For all the lil boogers I work with.

L’Occitane Lip Balm: Soothes my lips during these dry winter days.

Jewelry: A lil secret…jewelry always dresses up an outfit!

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